The mouth of the little ones must be taken care of from the first days. Before long they will be able to grab their brush and brush their teeth themselves, but while they grow, you have to continue taking care of the gums and cleaning those first pieces.
The ECBH baby Silicone Toothbrush is the optimal solution for these first hygiene:
- It has a practical thimble shape : you just have to attach it to your finger and gently clean and massage the baby's gums.
- It is made of a special silicone , free of irritating agents, and with a very soft texture . In addition, it has great flexibility that allows you to reach the most remote or complicated corners.
- Its brush side is used to clean both the gums and the first teeth.
- The bumpy side is great for massaging and stimulating the gums.
Food scraps are dangerous for the baby's mouth, as they can cause infections such as the dreaded baby bottle tooth decay. With the help of this thimble, you can easily remove traces of milk or food that have been accumulated, and thus keep your mouth in perfect health .