-Price on request
-Any specific requirement please contact us: info@ecbh.eu
Fresh Eggs Export
A leading EGG production and distribution aimed at consumers and customers that demand a fresh product with excellent quality and food safety standards.
We have incorporated all the elements required in order to achieve our main goals into our business and sales structure which is defined from producing the feed, the breeding and rearing period for the future laying hens, the grading and packaging of the eggs, to distribution through our export offices.
Our structure enables us to control product quality and maintain our competitiveness.
We have two major poultry complexes, equipped with the latest technology and a production capacity of over 2,000,000 eggs per day.
We have a global dimension, selling in the European retail market, in the Horeca (hotel, restaurant and catering) sector and exporting eggs to all continents.
We offer several types of eggs, different sizes and different packages so you can combine them as you wish.
You will be able to choose the options that best adapt to your needs and we will serve them.
Production of a significant volume of white and brown-shelled eggs, of all sizes (XL, L, M, S or Size 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6) with a very precise egg grading.
Ultra-resistant packaging and over-packaging, preventing breakages during transport, guaranteeing the quality of the eggs until they reach the final customer anywhere in the world.
Industrial process certified by IFS.
Transport service to any part of the world, very competitive, via container ref. HC40.
As we are producers, we can customise every order: Egg marking, box labelling, customised box, etc.