Lose weight or gain a few kilos? Whatever your goal, don't be left alone with the weight registered by your bathroom scale.
A body measurement scale can help you know if the weight you have gained or lost comes from your fat stores or your muscle mass. They work through BIA ( Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis ), a non-invasive method that sends a very weak electrical current to body tissues.
The ECBH Body Measurement Scale is the ideal complement in training plans and diets , since:
- In addition to the weight in kilograms (up to 150 kg), it offers an estimated reading of your body composition in terms of percentage of water, fat, bone mass and muscle .
- Indicates the basal metabolic rate .
- It also records the body mass index .
- It has memory for 10 users .
Please note that this scale should not be used if you have a pacemaker or other electrical device, as the IAB could interfere.